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Welcome! We want to make it easy for you to participate in the Clark County Fair. Follow these simple steps to gather all the information you need for a fun and enjoyable experience. And remember, we are here to help you. Call the Administration Office (564-397-6180) at any time for assistance or questions with your entry.


Exhibitor files are available to download in PDF format with Adobe Reader. If you do not have this software just click on the Adobe Reader icon to  download this free software on your computer.


  1. Read the Clark County Fair General Rules. It's a good idea to print  these out for future reference.

  2.  Read a Quick Guide for First Time Exhibitors if this is your first fair entry!

  3. Look through the Exhibitor Guide below and find the categories you would like to enter. Print out the specific department information to reference for entry deadlines, judging guidelines and entry form information.


2024 Exhibitor Guide


4. Print your Entry Form. Follow the entry instructions listed for the department you are entering. Have questions? Contact the department Superintendent or the Fair Office.


2024 Still Exhibits Entry Form

2024 Livestock Entry Form


5. Print your Schedule if you are participating in Open Class Livestock or 4-H/FFA/Grange Youth. These schedules tell you when your entries are accepted and your event judged.


2024 Open Class Livestock and Events Schedule

2024 4-H Schedule

2024 FFA Schedule

2024 Grange Youth Schedule


For all other categories, times for accepting entries and show dates are included in the department information found in the Exhibitor Handbooks.

6. Contests & Special Awards. Check out these contests and see if there is one for you!


2024 Cheesecake Contest!

All cheesecakes must be entered between 10 am and 5 pm on Thursday, August 1.

2024 Cocoa Classic Contest

Saturday, August 3 (enter from 10 am to 6 pm)

See Open Class Baking for rules

2024 Dairy Goat Cheese Contest

Saturday, August 3 (entries accepted from 10 a.m. until Noon)


Daily Agricultural Education Display Award

Each day of Fair one display will receive special recognition based on the following:


-  Display must be related to agriculture

-  Educational material should teach the public about some aspect of agriculture (material can be written, oral, or visual)

-  Special consideration is given to displays that involve the public in hands-on experiences


The award can be presented to individuals, groups, barns, businesses or organizations.


In addition, a Special Educational Award may be given to a display that is education but not necessarily agricultural related.



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